What We Should All Learn From Top CEOs on Negotiation

What We Should All Learn From Top CEOs on Negotiation

CEO Insights podcast has just been launched and is a great opportunity to learn from CEOs and get useful insights on negotiation and influence.

Top CEOs have a powerful personal brand. They achieve more. They win more . They earn more.

Like athletes, they can reach a steady continuous stream of performance through flow. Like navigators, they are intuitive and adaptive and can react with equal skill to good fortune and adversity.

You can be a brilliant financier, engineer, or doctor. However, your expertise in a particular field doesn’t necessarily make you a brilliant negotiator. You’ve probably noticed that the experts are often not the ones enjoying the highest positions in the business world. Most CEO positions go to the great negotiators – those who know how to influence, lead, and manage others, and who have used their negotiation abilities to climb higher. They surround themselves with experts, and they know how to pull the right strings. According to Dale Carnegie, “15 % of one’s financial success is due to one’s technical knowledge and about 85% is due to skills in human engineering – to personality and the ability to lead people.” I can’t agree with him more.

Maybe you have an idea that will change the world, or you’ve developed a truly essential product. Yet, without negotiation your work will only get you so far. In the end, you’ll have to convince someone to buy what you’re selling. To do that well, you need to master negotiation and that’s what top CEO do.

Top CEOs have some characteristics in common. Each has character and charisma. These are people who can command a room through their very presence. This enables them to build relationships and expand their influence in ways few others could. They have a deep understanding of human nature. They can spot the strengths and weaknesses in others and in themselves. It’s not that these individuals are perfect – on the contrary, it was their attitude toward their flaws, their determination to struggle with and overcome them, that distinguished such persons. 

We encourage you to listen to CEO Insights to improve your negotiation skills and get useful negotiation tips. The podcast is FREE (www.ludovic.online/podcast)
